Sunday, December 19, 2004

Présentation de Spring aux Groupe d'Utilisateurs Java de Québec

J'ai présenté Spring Framework lors de la demi-journée conférence du Groupe d'Utilisateur Java de Québec organisée le 9 Novembre 2004. Voici le plan de la présentation :

- Introduction
- J2EE, état actuel des choses
- Spring Framework
- Injection des dépendances
- Programmation Orientée Aspect
- Les services de Spring
- Application Context
- Transactions
- Remoting, Scheduling...
- Q&A

L'audience a exprimé un très grand intérêt au Framework Spring. Je mettrai bientôt la présentation PDF et l'application exemple sur ce site. En attendant, je vais ajouter quelques fonctionnalités à l'application exemple pour montrer l'utilisation de quelques fonctionnalités de Spring à partir du sandbox (commons-validator, groovy, jmx...)

Spring Login Interceptor

I posted on Spring Framework Forums the source of a Login Interceptor that can be used to check if the user has logged on to the Web Application.

Caching the result of methods using Spring and EHCache

I published a new article on Spring Confluence Wiki that shows how to use Spring Integration for EHCache (since Spring 1.1.1).

The article presents a Spring Interceptor that caches methods results based on method name and arguments values. Of course the interceptor is configured declaratively using Spring IoC.

Spring at Montréal JUG

I will be presenting 'Application development with Spring Framework' at Montréal JUG 8 December 2004.

Hope to see you there!

Trapping Exceptions in Spring Web

Spring Framework HandlerExceptionResolver allows to build Exception Handlers that can be configured to trap exceptions and return a ModelAndView. They work in a simillar way to Struts ExceptionHandlers.

I posted a sample on Spring Framework Forums that explains how to build and configure ExceptionHandlers in Spring.


Throw own exceptions using Hibernate & Spring Framework

A Spring Framework/Hibernate user asked for a / magic / easy / way to convert Spring Framework thrown Exception into User Defined Exception without putting a try-catch block in all my methods.

I think we can achieve this using the magic of AOP. All we have to do is create an interceptor and hock it into the applicationContext.xml without having to change one line of code into our classes nor modify the bean configuration of DAOs / Services.

Throw own exceptions using Hibernate & Spring Framework

A Spring Framework/Hibernate user asked for a / magic / easy / way to convert Spring Framework thrown Exception into User Defined Exception without putting a try-catch block in all his methods.

I think we can achieve this using the magic of AOP. All we have to do is create an interceptor and hock it into the applicationContext.xml without having to change one line of code into our classes nor modify the bean configuration of DAOs / Services.